This page contains a list of all the articles, videos, and other resources we have produced to help you understand the charge of driving while intoxicated and help you present a successful defense.
If you haven't already done so, please download a copy of our DWI Survival Guide, or if you would like a hard copy, contact us and let us know.
Check out our You Tube Channel for all the latest content on legal defense in Waco!
A Guide to DWI and DUI Cases in Texas
Charged with a DWI In Texas? Don't Make This Mistake
Texas Driver's License Suspension After a DWI
There are Defenses to Your DWI Case
Clues Police Look for When They Pull You Over for DWI
DWI Checkpoints in Waco, Texas
Can I Go to Prison for Driving While Intoxicated in Texas?
What's the Difference Between DUI and DWI in Texas?
Should I Hire an Attorney for my DWI Case?
Make Sure You Hire the RIGHT Lawyer for your DWI Case!
The Collateral Consequences of a DWI Conviction
If You've Been Charged with DWI in Texas, You Need the Best Defense Possible!
Deferred Adjudication Not Available for Texas DWI Cases
Penalties for Driving While Intoxicated in Texas
How to get a DWI conviction off your record
How do you know if you're legally intoxicated?