The Right Waco Appeals Lawyer Can Mean the Difference Between Going Home or Staying in Prison
When our Waco appeals lawyer, Walter Reaves, started practicing over 35 years ago, there were only a handful of lawyers who handled appeals and writs of habeas corpus. Most lawyers were more than happy to refer their clients to other attorneys after they had been convicted. However, as the legal market has become more crowded, there are now more la
wyers who are willing to take on these cases. Some see it as easy - you don't have to go to court and can do most of the work in your office. Just because you know how to operate a computer doesn't make you qualified to handle an appeal, though.
Walter learned early in his career just how important a good lawyer was in the appellate process. He was one of the attorneys in a multiple-defendant case, and all the attorneys went to New Orleans to argue their cases. After the argument, one of the lawyers mentioned they would have never raised one of the claims he raised - which was that the evidence was legally insufficient. As it turned out, we ended up winning that claim, and the court found my client not guilty. All the other defendants lost and had to stay in prison for years. That was an eye-opening experience to realize that if she had had a different lawyer, she would have ended up serving years in prison.
The Odds Are Against You - Make Sure You Take Your Best Shot
The one thing you must understand is that the odds are stacked against you once you are convicted. The system is designed to preserve convictions and ensure that only the most serious errors result in a reversal. While the statistics change from year to year - and even between courts - relief is granted in only 8-15% of the cases appealed. The statistics are even lower for writs of habeas corpus - somewhere between 1-3%. That means the vast majority of defendants lose on appeal.
Not only are the odds stacked against you, but the system is also designed to give you only one shot at getting relief. That means you want to make that one shot count by getting the most qualified and experienced lawyer.
No lawyer can guarantee you will win your case; if they do, you need to find another lawyer. However, the right Waco appeals lawyer can maximize your chances of winning.