Arrested on Theft Charges in Texas? Our Waco Theft Attorney Can Help

Theft charges in Texas come in many forms, including shoplifting, trying to pass bad checks and acceptwaco theft attorney stolen property from another person. The extent to which the court decides to punish an offender will almost always depend on the value of what was stolen and, unknowingly at the time, the skill and knowledge of your Waco theft attorney.

If you are convicted of theft charges in Texas for items that are valued under $1,500, the crime will be punished as a misdemeanor. If the items were valued at more than $1,500, you will be convicted of a felony and could end up in jail for a very long time.

A good theft crimes attorney in Texas will be able to look at your case from every angle and find ways to dispute the theft charge. With so much on the line, it's important to let a professional and experienced Waco theft attorney handle all of the details.

Contact Our Waco Theft Attorney For a Free Consultation

If you are brought up on assault or theft charges in Texas, you need a Waco theft attorney who knows the legal system like the back of his hand. That lawyer must know what will happen if you are convicted, and they must be willing to present you with your options and let you know what to expect.

 at 254-296-0020 today for a free consultation.

Walter Reaves
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Criminal Defense Attorney Walter Reaves has been practicing law for over 35 years.