Expunction and nondisclosure are both excellent opportunities for individuals who have a criminal offense on their record that they would like to see disappear (or disappear as much as possible). They give some people a second chance at functioning in society without a black mark on their criminal record. However, the two options are quite different in what they can actually offer someone.
Keep reading to see how an experienced criminal defense lawyer can help you with your expunction and nondisclosure orders in Texas.
Expunction and Nondisclosure: What's the Difference?
Expunction in Texas means that you can have a certain offense removed from your criminal record completely. After expunction, it’s as if the incident never happened. If you ever have to take the stand in another trial and you have to swear under oath that you've never been involved with the law, you can legally do that after an expunction. Expunctions can be very hard to get; they are generally given out in very specific, special circumstances. If you were arrested for a crime and never charged, or you were charged with a crime that was ultimately dismissed, you're probably eligible for an expunction.
An order for nondisclosure in Texas does not wipe your record clean, but it does make it so that most people cannot access your record. Only some government officials will be permitted to examine your record. The incident covered by a nondisclosure order will not be public knowledge, and most people will never know about what happened with your legal troubles. A nondisclosure order is available for people who have successfully completed deferred adjudication and have received a discharge or dismissal of the deferred adjudication.
Are You Eligible? Schedule a Consult With Our Waco Criminal Defense Lawyer
If you think you may be eligible for an expunction or nondisclosure order in Texas, contact the Law Office of Walter Reaves to schedule a consultation with our experienced Waco criminal defense lawyer.