Do you know what factors are important when selecting a Waco criminal defense attorney to represent you? Because people ponder and prioritize different things when making important decisions, it is vital to learn what factors should be considered when selecting an attorney to represent you on your charges.

After being accused of assault, theft, DUI, drug crimes or federal crimes, there are many things to evaluate when looking for a lawyer to handle your case. But do you know the top factor your decision should be based upon? It’s simple. An attorney’s experience should be your deciding factor. The reason why experience is so important is that judges and other lawyers will know by your attorney’s reputation that you have a good lawyer representing you. Additionally, an experienced Waco criminal defense lawyer will know how to handle your case and will be able to guide you through the process so that you know what to expect along the way.

To make sure you are represented by an experienced Texas criminal defense attorney, contact the Law Office of Walter M. Reaves, Jr., P.C. at 254-296-0020 or online at

Walter Reaves
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Criminal Defense Attorney Walter Reaves has been practicing law for over 35 years.