The Texas Department of Public Safety stepped up enforcement during the holiday period, from December 13 through January 2. The enforcement effort was aimed at getting intoxicated drivers off the road. According to DPS the effort was successful, resulting in over 1,400 arrests. That's around 66 arrests a day. 289 of those arrests were the result of increased patrols in high risk areas.
Drunk drivers weren't the only people who ended up with problems. Troopers also issued more than 25,000 speeding tickets - which is almost 1,200 a day. Over 1,000 arrests were made on fugitive warrants, which seems high - although some of those may be nothing more than traffic warrants.
There were also almost 800 felony arrests. My guess is lot of those were probably drug related.
While it's never a good idea to drive when you're intoxicated (notice I didn't say drink and drive), it's an even worse idea to do it when you know the police are out looking for you.
The next enforcement effort will most likely come during the labor day holiday. If you need any more incentive, look at what happened to those who chanced it during the Christmas holidays.